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MechanicsMajor changes
Damage of Ignite pyromancy psychic power was significantly increased. Minimal damage is now 1 + Willpower Bonus + 6 x Psy Rating (it used to be 1 + 5 x Psy Rating). Maximal damage is 2 x Willpower Bonus + 10 x Psy Rating (it used to be Willpower Bonus + 5 x Psy Rating). This affects the damage of Firestorm, Incinerate, and Molten Beam too (as they deal damage based on Ignite damage);
Minimal damage of Inferno psychic power from pyromancer staves (in all versions - normal, heroic act, and desperate measure) was increased to 2 + Psy Rating. Previously it was 1;
Inflame pyromancy psychic power now increases the damage of burning by 2 x Psyker's Willpower Bonus (it used to be 2 x Psy Rating);
Warp Burn effect applied by pyromancy psychic powers now deals 3 + Psyker's Willpower Bonus + 3 x Psy Rating damage (previously it dealt Psyker's Willpower Bonus + 2 x Psy Rating);
Melting Armour pyromancy talent reduces the target's armour by -5% (was -3%);
Ignite psychic power description now correctly mentions the fact that the psyker can use MP after using it, despite it being an attack;

IP属地:江苏1楼2024-06-26 23:10回复
    Seize the initiative no longer provides an additional turn to the Offcer, instead allowing the Officer and allies under the effect of the Officer's Voice of Command to deal additional damage to the enemies that have not yet acted in this combat;
    In the Hero's Footsteps now provides a stacking +5 Fellowship bonus when an ally uses a Heroic act and a +5 Toughness bonus when using Desperate measures instead of providing an additional turn;

    IP属地:江苏2楼2024-06-26 23:15
      Navigator's Reveal the Light power now increases Toughness and Willpower of the target by +10 + 2 x Willpower Bonus (instead of +4 x Willpower Bonus);
      Navigators can no longer use Reveal the Light on themselves;
      Navigator's Blood Augury talent now increases warp damage by +(5 + Perception Bonus)% instead of +(2 x Perception Bonus)%;
      Blood Augury effect can now stack up to 5 times;
      Eye of Oblivion now reduces enemy dodge and hit chance by Navigator's Perception Bonus (instead of 2 x Perception Bonus);
      Eye of Oblivion did not reduce the enemy's dodge - fixed;
      Undam the Sea of Souls now reduces the enemy armour by 5 + Navigator's Willpower Bonus (instead of 2 x Willpower Bonus);
      Mastery of time can now stack up to 5 times and can only stack from extra turns gained by Navigator's allies;
      导航员天赋削弱 目前指引明光能力的加成改为10+2*意志加值而不是以前的4*意志加值(算了下也就是意志过6开始就是纯削弱)指引明光能力不能以导航员自身为目标

      IP属地:江苏3楼2024-06-26 23:26
        Killing Edge ability now deals additional damage, which is not modified by other damage modifiers. Additionally, its damage was changed from (Lethality / 7) to (Lethality / 5), and now additionally scales with the percent of the enemy's lost Wounds;
        Several Operative's abilities were re-balanced to give more impactful bonuses at the start of the game, but lower their mid- and late-game scaling;
        Several Pasqal's background talents had their scaling change to give better bonuses at the start of the game, and lower bonuses in the second half of the game;

        IP属地:江苏4楼2024-06-26 23:35
          Several of Arch-Militant's abilities and talents were changed to give bigger bonuses at the start of the combat at the cost of reducing their scaling from a number of Versatility stacks. This was made to balance the power of Arch-Militants depending on the current turn and the number of synergistic abilities from other companions.
          List of abilities and talents impacted by this change:
          - Versatility
          - Confident Approach
          - Adaptability
          - Critical Versatility
          - Dependable
          Additionally, there were several changes in the following abilities:
          - Wildfire no longer gives a stack of Versatility with no regard for the type of the previous attack, and now the minimal cost of Wildfire is 1 AP;
          - Reckless Rush now always gives 3 stacks of Versatility, instead of a number depending on the current stacks;
          - All Out talent (talent for Reckless Rush ability) now allows the Arch-Militant to move after attacks while Reckless Rush is under effect, instead of reducing the cost of Reckless Rush;
          - Confident Approach now reduces critical damage by half instead of scaling depending on critical chance;
          Also, when the Arch-Militant's heavy weapon attack cost is reduced, it has a minimum cost of 1;

          IP属地:江苏5楼2024-06-26 23:42

            IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端6楼2024-06-26 23:45
              New talents were added:
              Warrior talent - Scissoring Strike
              Prerequisite: Break Through
              When the Warrior uses Slash with two melee weapons equipped, the Warrior deals damage from both weapons.
              Warrior Talent - Easy Target
              The Warrior's critical damage is increased by +(10 + 2 × STRbonus)% against enemies not armed with a melee weapon.
              Common Talent - Weapon Specialist
              Sweep attack of the axes and Shove attack of the maces and hammers cost 1 less action point.
              Common Talent - Dual Weapon Specialist
              Prerequisite: Weapon Specialist, Dual-Weapon Combat
              Using the Sweep attack of the axes and Shove attack of the maces and hammers does not increase the AP cost or reduce the Weapon Skill or Ballistic Skill of another weapon;
              Pyromancer talent - Fire Within. It should have always been there before but was not accessible;
              战士职业天赋 突破防线能力绑定天赋 当战士双持近战武器进行快刀一闪的时候会使用2把武器造成伤害
              战士职业天赋 小菜一碟 当攻击没有近战武器的敌人的时候暴击伤害提高 (10+2*力量加值)%
              通用天赋 武器特化 锤子和斧子的特殊攻击现在只消耗1ap
              通用天赋双持武器特化 当双持武器时如果主手武器攻击使用了锤子或者辅助的特殊攻击贼副手武器的攻击不会增加ap消耗也不会减少武器技能或者弹道技能(主手和副手取决于哪个手先攻击)

              IP属地:江苏7楼2024-06-26 23:51
                Prerequisites for Psyker Minoris, Psyker Majoris, Psyker Extremis, and Psyker Terminus (talents that increase Psy Rating, were previously named Psy Rating 1-4) were changed. They now require 1 less level for Unsanctioned Psykers and 6 less levels for Sanctioned Psykers. This also means that psykers (especially Sanctioned ones) can take more powerful psychic powers earlier;
                "Horde" enemies always had a penalty to their dodge, but in this patch, we are changing how it is calculated. Their dodge was previously halved after all modifiers. For example, if you had a basic Drukhari enemy with 40 agility, that Drukhari had 30% (base) + 40% (agility) + 10% (nimble, talent all the Drukhari have) = 80% dodge before reduction. You, for example, attack them with someone who has 30 perception and an ability that reduces the target's dodge by 12%. So, that Drukhari had 80%(dodge before reduction) -30%(perception) -12%(dodge reducing ability)=38% dodge chance. This dodge was further halved to 19% by "horde" dodge penalty;
                This calculation reduced the effectiveness of all dodge reducing abilities applied to "horde" enemies, so we decided to change it. Now hordes have their dodge reduced by 15% and by a half of their agility (so, exactly by a half of their base dodge chance).
                With these changes that Drukhari enemy now has 45% dodge before reduction = 70% base dodge + 10% (nimble) - 35% (half of base dodge, 15% half of base 30 and 20% half of base agility). After reduction it will be equal to 3% = 45% (dodge before reduction) - 30% (perception) - 12% (dodge reducing ability);
                Arch-militant psyker now works far better than before - psychic powers now count as attacks of an appropriate type for the purposes of Versatility Arch-militant feature. Syphon Life, Psychic Shriek, Mind Rupture, Ignite, Incinerate, Purge Soul, and Vision of Death now count as single-target ranged attacks. Psychic Assault, Emperor's Wrath, Lightning Arc, Molten Beam, and Firestorm count as ranged area attacks. Inferno counts as a ranged burst attack;
                灵能攻击在首席战士的攻击分类中进行了细化 生命虹吸,心灵尖啸,心灵撕裂,星火燎原,烈焰焚烧,净化灵魂,死亡幻象为远程单体攻击,灵能梦溪,帝皇之怒,闪电链,熔火光束,烈焰风暴现在算作远程范围攻击,地狱烈焰现在算作远程连发攻击

                IP属地:江苏8楼2024-06-27 00:00
                  Rogue Trader 补丁说明 - 新闻 - Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader (owlcat.games)

                  IP属地:江苏9楼2024-06-27 00:02

                    IP属地:江苏10楼2024-06-27 00:03

                      IP属地:北京来自Android客户端11楼2024-06-27 08:45

                        IP属地:湖北12楼2024-06-27 08:50

                          IP属地:上海来自Android客户端13楼2024-06-27 10:53