Gas Giants are worlds composed largely of gases, that surround a solid core[1]. Their gasses are harvested by both the Imperium[2] and Tau Empire[3] through the use of their ships. The Imperium will also place permanent installations in the orbits of Gas Giants to make it easier to harvest and refine their gasses[4]. Some Gas Giants have breathable upper atmospheres, which allows the Imperium to use Anti-grav Mining Platforms and its atmospheric aircraft.[5]
Gas Giants are worlds composed largely of gases, that surround a solid core[1]. Their gasses are harvested by both the Imperium[2] and Tau Empire[3] through the use of their ships. The Imperium will also place permanent installations in the orbits of Gas Giants to make it easier to harvest and refine their gasses[4]. Some Gas Giants have breathable upper atmospheres, which allows the Imperium to use Anti-grav Mining Platforms and its atmospheric aircraft.[5]