To all our Marauder Vietnam Backers: Thank you for the overwhelmingly positive voices of support. It was a difficult decision to move forward in this way, and you've entirely reinforced that we have a tremendous collector community and truly amazing customers. We are humbled by all of the support you've shown in response to these disappointing circumstances. As is always the case, there will also be a few who, for whatever their motive, effort to misconstrue what we communicated in our last update. There are also those who are simply truly and deeply disappointed in our decision to offer refunds, which we understand and fully accept. The absolute truth is that we believe this decision is the best step we can take on behalf of our customers. We've been in business for nearly twenty years, and our consistent track record and commitment to you has always been one of quality and service. It is with our customers in mind that we are offering FULL Refunds, which will directly translate to Marauder absorbing well over $50,000 in Kickstarter and BackerKit fees if all pledges were to select the Full Refund Option.
As we received and processed feedback over the last few days, we heard from some customers who shared that they felt our Store Credit Option was not fairly weighted for those who made the most significant investments into the Vietnam Kickstarter. We looked at that feedback, and as it turns out, they were right. Although the 125% credit offered will fully cover the "value" that was to be received by the majority of Vietnam backers, it does not fully cover the “value” that backers who made the largest pledges expected to receive. This was not our intention- in fact, we want all backers to find equivalent value and select the Store Credit option. We are in complete agreement with the request to offer a value in Store Credit that fully preserves the product value you expected when making your Kickstarter pledge. As such, we have revised our Store Credit (aka Gift Certificate) offer to ensure that, if selected, the product value of your pledge is preserved:
If your Kickstarter pledge level included between 1 and 24 items, your Store Credit Value is 125% of the amount you pledged in the Kickstarter. For ALL-IN (2nd), MAYHEM (2nd), or DOUBLE MAYHEM, your Store Credit Value will be 175% of the amount you pledged in the Kickstarter. For Early ALL-IN (1st) or Early MAYHEM (1st), your store Credit Value with be 200% of the amount you pledged in the Kickstarter. Note that ALL BackerKit Add-ons will be credited at 125% value, regardless of base pledge. You can choose to select Store Credit for your Kickstarter pledge, or your BackerKit Add-on amount, or both. (Or instead choose to receive a Full Refund).
EXAMPLE: You pledged ALL-IN (2nd) for $499 and added 3 additional items at $25 each during the Kickstarter for a Kickstarter total of $574. Later, in your BackerKit you Added 2 more figures at $25 each, for a BackerKit total of $50. If you select the Store Credit Option for Kickstarter and for BackerKit, you will receive $1,004.50 (574 x 1.75) store credit for the Kickstarter portion and $62.50 (50 x 1.25) store credit for the BackerKit portion. (For a Grand Total of $1,067 Store Credit on an original $624 Kickstarter/Backerkit pledge)
We hope this updated Store Credit Option is well received and, as always, we remain absolutely committed to you, our customer. We will continue to listen and communicate with you as we navigate through this disappointing situation, and again, thank you for your understanding and patience and we work to achieve the best overall outcome. Sincerely, Marauder John