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IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端1楼2024-10-01 21:08回复
    原文:“He was alive, and that stark fact alone surprised him. Cylindrical walls of buckled silver encircled him, a capsule of metal that he had no memory of being placed within. Light streamed through a large tear on one side of the tube. shimmering and inconstant, like sunlight reflected from the surface of a tidal lake. He had never seen a lake, but knew instinctively what one would look like. how the cold waters would feel on his skin and the sense of freedom that would come from swimming the bluegreen depths.
    He unsnapped a number of trailing cables from his body and turned himself around in the cramped confines of the tube. As he crawled along to the break in the walls, he caught sight of his reflection in the smooth walls of his...
    His what?
    His prison, his refuge or his home?
    No, none of those words felt right.
    His features were those of a powerful man-youthful, but one to whom others would willingly bend the knee. The jaw was square, the hair dark as midnight. his eyes a warm, gold-flecked green. It was the face of a man upon whose shoulders great burdens could be placed without fear of them being unseated. He liked the face, pleased at how it had been wrought.
    He was naked, but the absence of clothes did not trouble him. He knew nothing of modesty and took a moment to admire the perfection of his godlike physique. He laughed at the vanity of the thought, and with the grin of a man
    who knows the world is at his feet, pushed at the damaged section of the curved silver walls. The material was soft and pliant to his touch, and he easily bent the honeycombed structure open enough to allow him egress. He boosted himself up and climbed from the reflective interior like a newborn from a glittering chrysalis.
    He dropped to the ground, and stared in wonder at his surroundings.
    He stood within a vast crater-a hundred kilometres wide at least-deep in the belly of what had once been a colossal mountain of black rock and ice. The crater was a fores

    IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端2楼2024-10-01 21:09
      The crater was a forest of spiral-fluted stalagmites, its floor webbed with cracks through which scalding vents of steam billowed and spurts of molten rock jetted. The heat was incredible, and warm rain misted the air;ice as it toppled into the crater, liquid as it fell, steam before it reached the bottom.
      Towering cliffs soared a thousand metres above him, and cascades of ice-bearded rock fell into the crater from the splintered rim. Billowing clouds of dust and smoke obscured the sky and the mountain groaned and shook with seismic tremors.
      His arrival had caused this;he was sure of it.”
      -Angel Exterminatus
      可以看到,马努斯的婴儿舱,在原来的山脉上撞出了一个直径为100公里宽,边缘深1000米的坑,其中的岩石要么蒸发,要么近乎蒸发(地缝处喷出来的熔岩冒着蒸汽) 。

      IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端3楼2024-10-01 21:10
        福根的手枪功率堪比一颗被囚禁的恒星.原文的意思也可以解释为福根的手枪由一 颗被囚禁的恒星来提供能量.
        原文:Fulgrim raised his pistol, a weapon with the power of a caged sun.
        下面就是一个该手枪的具体表现.这把手枪一枪就能够打穿帝皇级泰坦的护盾,后者 就如同镜子一般破碎掉了。
        原文:Fulgrim shot with the calm poise of a duellist on a misty heath. A shining spear of incandescent light imbued with the heat of a newborn star spat from the gun and struck dead centre on the Titan's shields. A shrieking flare of overload banged like a host of shattering mirrors and a powerful sphere of energy pulsed out like a solar flare.
        -The Primarchs

        IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端4楼2024-10-01 21:11
          两艘巡洋舰使用武器阵列对行星执行灭绝令(需要注意的是这里没有提及任何专门的武器,所以可以看作他们的常规武器表现),导致行星上的所有火山同时喷发,喷发的强度如此之大以至于星球的地核也被喷出了地表,整个星球都内外倾倒了.为了求稳,舰船继续轰炸,将病毒和细菌药剂扔进了下方的混合物中,以确保没有东西能够存活下来,即使是那些能够在熔岩里溶冰并且在硫磺中呼吸的生物也不 行.在短短几分钟内,大气层就被完全消灭掉了;在一小时之内,整个行星就崩塌 了,它自行粉碎并且变成了小行星和流星.
          原文:The exterminatus arrays had caused all of the volcanoes around the equator to erupt at once, spilling the planet's core out onto it's surface and effectively turning the entire world inside out. For good measure, the epic bombardment had continued, throwing viral and bacterial agents down into the mix to ensure that nothing could survive, even if it could swim in molten rock and breath sulphur. In a matter of minutes, the atmosphere had been completely eaten away and then, in less than an hour, the planet's structural integrity collapsed and it simply fell apart, scattering itself into asteroids and meteorites.
          -Down of War:Ascension
          四艘巡洋舰同时进行了一轮齐射才过载了另外一艘巡洋舰的护盾(火力中包括实体弹药的同时还有光矛这种大威力武器,甚至有脱载吸热熔炸弹这种破甲专用的武器).而且,这轮攻击也并没有对这艘船巡洋规造成真正意义上的伤害和破坏,这只不过是一次性给予护盾过多要吸收的能量. 使其暂时过载了.而这些护盾会在片刻之间重新升起,最多也就一分钟。

          IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端5楼2024-10-01 21:12
            原文:“It returned fire just as its shields died, unleashing a blistering barrage of lances, solid shells and plasma fire from its prow weapons batteries, as well as a precisely timed single magma bomb warhead, principally designed for surface attack, from its bombardment cannon.
            This payload struck the Sword just as massed fire from the three other Traitor Astartes vessels coordinated their prow weapons on the same target. It was as close to the shark-like unity of the black sea sharks as the Exalted could have imagined, but that was hardly foremost in the Night Lord commander's mind.
            All of this unleashed punishment was enough, barely, to achieve the Exalted's
            desires. The colossal Sword of the God-Emperor, pride of Battlefleet Crythe, flagship of Lord Admiral Valiance Arventaur, no longer shimmered behind an invinciblescreen of ripping energy.
            Its shields were down, overloaded by the sudden savage assault of the Astartes strike cruiser.
            The Exalted was not a fool. He knew void war, and he knew the capabilities of his foes, the strength of their weapons, and the power of their vessels. He knew the Sword of the God-Emperor was bristling with failsafes and auxiliary generatoriums. and his attack had inflicted no real damage to the enemy flagship beyond temporarily overloading its shields by giving them too much to absorb at once. They would be back online within moments, a minute at the very most multi-layered and strong once more。
            ·Soul Hunter

            IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端6楼2024-10-01 21:12
              这段原文说明了巡洋舰的舰体其实比它的虚空盾更能扛伤,毕竟炸毁它需要更多的爆炸(More explosions)
              原文:Blue and purple lightning flickered as the remaining warheads, several hundred of them, slammed into the strike cruiser's shields. The vessel was engulfed by a blaze of detonations, so bright it appeared on the main display like a nova being born. More explosions followed as the shields overloaded and the remaining warheads struck the cruiser's armoured hull. Plasma billowed from a ruptured engine duct.
              -Age of Darkness
              原文:All three mighty war engines braced themselves and, at a command from the Warmaster, unleashed a rippling salvo of missiles and cannon fire into the massive ship. Flaring blooms of light and smoke rippled across the ship's immensity and it shuddered with each concussive impact. Fires caught throughout its hull.
              原文:The gunfire from the Titans had blasted huge tears in its hull, and piles of debris had spilled from inside.
              ·False Gods

              IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端7楼2024-10-01 21:13
                这个场景中几十台泰坦(其中包括一些战将泰坦)面对着一台帝皇级泰坦,而它们 需要对着对方虚空盾的同一个地方火力全开长达几分钟才能够将这层防护破开.
                原文:Augmenautus Rex was wrapped in voids of such power and cohesive performance, they could withstand anything Faero and any of the other engines fired at it. The only way to break them was sustained, erosive fire. If they all hit the same shield section hard enough, for long enough, they might force a rupture. The necessary coordinated bombardment would take minutes to arrange and accomplish.
                The moment they commenced such a bombardment, however, Augmenautus Rex would turn on them, and they wouldn't have anything like minutes left of their lives.
                ·Titanicus, pg.504

                IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端8楼2024-10-01 21:13
                  升魔后的福根能够从泰坦反应炉中喷出的炽热等离子里直接传过去,并且丝毫没有 受到任何伤害.
                  原文:He bore a flint-knapped blade in one hand and a long-barrelled pistol worked in silver and onyx in the other. His stark white hair flew around his glorious features as the heat bleeding from the Titan's reactor washed over him.
                  -The Primarchs
                  泰坦的等离子炮能够打出一颗超小型的恒星,它打出的等离子是将氢加热到一 亿度,打出的那一团电浆被人工磁场束缚并包住,以防离子化的原子四处乱飞.
                  原文:Imperial plasma technology combined elemental gases to form the fire that licked across the skin of stars. In ancient ages, the process was better known as fusion— the ionising of hydrogen at a hundred million degrees-to recreate the heartbeat of a sun through human ingenuity. Cooking the plasma was half of the ritual.
                  The Warhound fired, its comet-tailed bolt of raw plasma contained within an
                  engineered magnetic field to prevent the projectile's dissipation from the lonised atoms flying apart.

                  IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端9楼2024-10-01 21:14
                    原文:Crystallised Night
                    An endless psychic scream lures Vasellisk the Shrouded, Sorcerer warlord of the Night Lords, to the obsidian mines on Xanthematos. As his warband sets about butchering the Imperial work crews, the terror of those slain continues to linger in the form of disembodied warp-gheists. The sight of spectral figures crowding the mines and howling with fear blinds Vasellisk to the true sorcery at play, for the planet has been hex-bound by Hasophet and his Mind-Eaters. As Vasellisk revels in the resonant terror. the Mind-Eaters seal the mines with the Night Lords inside. In the final twist of Hasophet's curse, the spirits of the dead burst into warpfire, filling the subterranean tunnels with screaming flame. By the time the mines are reopened, every last Night Lord has been reduced to ash-all except for Vasellisk the Shrouded, whose body has been melted into a lump of dark glass. This Shrouded Crystal is the foreseen prize of Hasophet's seven hundred and sixty-fifth rite, and it pulses with the psychic energy of the Sorcerer it once was.
                    -Codex:Thousand Sons.8th Edition

                    IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端10楼2024-10-01 21:15
                      上面那位千子巫师在摧毁第999颗行星时用黑暗将其表面整个笼罩起来,随后他 就在其中化蛹并且变成了一只巨大的漩涡野兽.他身上产生的亚空间漩涡不断吸收着
                      受害者的灵魂并且越来越大,最终环绕了整个行星.随着一声撕裂意识的尖喘,这颗 行星被扯出了现实,原地只留下了一大片黑暗.
                      原文:The Psychophage of Mangel III
                      Hasophet and his Mind-Eaters descend upon the Imperial hive world of Mangel III amidst an ongoing T'au invasion. Before landing the Sorcerer shatters the Shrouded Crystal in orbit, casting its shards throughout the atmosphere to summon an impenetrable darkness which surrounds the planet. Cut off from orbital reinforcements and relays, the T'au armies and planetary defence forces continue fighting in utter confusion. In the Valley of Sacrifice, between the lines of the battling armies, the Mind-Eaters array the trophies and fetishes acquired from their nine hundred and ninety-elght preceding rites in a great crescent. and between the horns of the crescent Hasophet mounts an enormous pyre. From its pinnacle he beholds the encroaching Tau and Imperial forces-they are to be his, their thoughts and memories devoured as was foretold.
                      Holding aloft the hearts of Korthuphos. Hasophet ignites his pyre with their blood, incanting an oath to Tzeentch as the flames begin to lap his armour. The sudden rush of energy towards Hasophet shreds the minds of the hundreds of thousands of combatants on Mangel III, siphoning their very life force into the Sorcerer. But as the Grand Conspirator's changes take hold Hasophet screams in agony. The armies on the horizon are pulled physically towards him like gnats caught in a thundering vortex. Ranks of screaming bodies and enormous war engines fly across the darkened land, colliding with Hasophet where they are quickly absorbed by his warping form. His body devours metal and flesh with equal voraciousness as it continues to grow, howling in excruciation from newly forming maws. His mass pupates, not into the form of a Daemon Prince, but to that of a Mutalith Vortex Beast. The warp vortex emanating from the hideous creature extends outwards with each newly consumed sacrifice

                      IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端11楼2024-10-01 21:16
                        until it encircles the planet, and with a final mind-tearing scream Mangel III itself is torn from realspace. In its place there is left only a perpetual dark shroud and an echo of Hasophet's final, pitiful cry.
                        -Codex:Thousand Sons, 8th Edition

                        IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端12楼2024-10-01 21:16
                          路人级别的千子巫师就能够造成山级乃至大陆级的破坏.他们每个都能够撕开敌 人脚下的基岩,将石块从地里扯出来,把堡垒和森林扔飞到天上再压下来碾碎敌人. 这个过程中巫师所在的行星都会被他的力量重新塑形.
                          原文:“Screaming with maniacal laughter, the Sorcerer rips madly at the bedrock beneath his enemies'feet with vast psychic claws. Boulders are torn from the ground, fortifications and forests flung skyward and sent crashing down upon the broken bodies of the foe as the damned psyker reshapes the world around him."
                          -Warzone Fenris:Wrath of Magnus, pg 161

                          IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端13楼2024-10-01 21:16
                            马格努斯将战斗驳船与巡洋舰肆意碰撞,导致他们的反应堆过载,炸掉了。Another focussed lance strike shot down from the heavens. This one Magnus did not dissipate upon his protective dome of force, but instead caught with the curve of his blade before hurling it outwards into the rumbling line of battle tanks that was cresting the ridge. The redirected energies hit home with cataclysmic force, smashing the entire column of war engines to smoking ruin. Then Magnus reached upwards, the eye in his palm blinking once as it focussed on the spacecraft high above. Uttering a low chant, the Crimson King extended
                            his telekinetic mastery until it soared into the stratosphere and beyond. Space Wolf. Dark Angel and Grey Knight alike stood aghast as the sky was lit with expanding coronas of fire. Those Space Marines who auto-viewed the blazing phenomena witnessed Battle Barges and Strike Cruisers crashing into one another as if flung by some godly hand, their reactors overloading a moment later to throw all of Asaheim into stark monochromatic light.
                            Fenris had a new monarch, and he was mighty indeed."
                            -Warzone Fenris:Wrath of Magnus, pg 105

                            IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端14楼2024-10-01 21:17
                              原文:“His bass tones rolled like distant thunder around the gigantic orreryof his astral court. Outside the arcane citadel, his words turned to raindrops that baptised the Planet of Sorcerers with the power of his intent."
                              -Warzone Fenris:Wrath of Magnus, pg 31

                              IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端15楼2024-10-01 21:17