Hello hunters!
Today we are opening the beta for Part 2 ofour Fall Updates, which is focused on Anomalies and Gems.
Frankly, we originally intended to put thisout yesterday right after stream but ran into some networking issues that wewanted to fix first, and they wound up being more complex than we thought.
We believe they're all cleaned up now, butit's Friday evening on our end. We're going to be away for the weekend, but wewanted to push it for y'all anyway with the caveat that we unfortunately won'tbe around to fix any issues that might pop up until after the weekend. Wethought this would be better for you rather than having you wait for Monday.
This update includes the introduction oftwo systems intended to add depth and variety to both your build and to your runs.
• Anomalies: a set ofmutations applied to a given Frenzy run. These may be helpful or harmful, andmay require clever Equipment choices to increase your chance of success. Dowell in these runs and be rewarded with bonus Materials, Fortification Ingots,Gems, and possibly more.
• Gems: small,stabilized versions of Teffra crystals that can be slotted into your Weapon togive it more powers and abilities. Use these to help your progress throughFrenzies and Super Frenzies.
Here's what we wrote about these two thingsin our announcement post last month. Some details may have changed between thenand now, but I'll share it here for context:
Anomalies and run variety
Our design philosophy for Rotwood is tocreate simple mechanics that combine in interesting ways. We feel thatinteresting gameplay comes from taking two or more simple things and combiningthem to produce interesting variation and complexity. So far, this philosophymainly manifests in our Power design, our Equipment design, and in themechanics included within one Hunt.
However, we have always known that themechanics you experience in a Hunt don’t need to be static and confined to justthat Hunt. Until now, we have been focusing on making the baseline of eachHunt, but it is time to start remixing things a little bit.
Anomalies are how we are executing thatidea. Once you have put your fourth Heartstone into the Wellspring, one of thelocations on the map will be experiencing an Anomaly, which can mean manythings.
An Anomaly could be something like Rain andLightning Storm, and so all Charged damage is increased – both to you and toyour enemies! It may be Acid Rain in Nocturne Grove or Spores in Great RotwoodForest… or, maybe it is Permanent Night where Nightmares lurk.
When Anomalies are active, they aretemporarily constrained to one Hunt and only one effect is active in a room atany given moment. You will know the effects ahead of time and can plan yourequipment to improve your chances of success.
… and perhaps you mayeven harness the Teffra Saturation in these Anomalies for greater rewards!
One of the main experiences we want toprovide in Rotwood is to build up a toolkit over time by investing into a widearray of equipment, and being challenged to creatively use that toolkit toovercome adversity. So far, you have been doing so with equipment: as a Hammermain, perhaps you prefer the hard-hitting Golf Swings of The Tenderizer ormaybe you prefer taking risk and goading enemies to attack you with TheSmashing Pumpkin. Some Cannon players prefer raining punishment down with Hailof Gory, while others prefer rapid-fire reloading and building up massivepiercing Heavy Attack hitstreaks with The Keening.
Ideally, you feel like you have lots ofoptions to choose from.
Gems are our way of letting you fine-tuneyour choices even further.
Weapons that have been purchased in Zone 2come pre-loaded with Gem Slots which can fit Gems of all sorts of varieties.You could use a Gem to increase Damage to a specific Rot, or even increaseDamage Resistance against that Rot. Some Gems could increase the amount of Lootyou find, increase your Maximum Health or even improve your Luck.
Over time, your Gems will become morepowerful and we encourage you to find combinations that push your Weaponsfarther than you could before, and find a gameplay style that really suits you.
We have more plans for Gems and Gem Slotsin the works, but this update includes the introduction to the system.
As is the case with all things Rotwood, wewant to leave room to evolve and grow based on player experiences and as therest of the systems in the game begin to come in. We have plenty of ideas forother things we can do with both Anomalies and Gems, and we're sure you willtoo. We hope that you'll share your experiences and ideas with us, as you havealready been doing with so many of our other systems.
More information can be found HERE on ourpost announcing the Fall Updates.