今天一早,我们听到 Bila Shaka周围有咆哮声,当我们进来时,我们惊讶地发现 3/6 的 Bila Shaka六勇士联盟与 6/7 的 Topi 托比狮群亚雄对峙,他们进行了很多追逐,但托比亚雄们似乎赢得了比赛,因为他们负责与两只来自马莎狮群的雌狮约会了,多么壮观的景象

Early this morning we heard Roars all around Bila Shaka and when we came in to our surprise was 3/6 of the Bila Shaka Boys having a stand off with 6/7 of the Topi pride sub boys,their were lots of chasing but the Topi sub-boys seemed to have won it because they were in charge of 2 females from the Marsh pride that they were mating with,what a sighting
#lions of the Mara,
#Territorial fights
今天一早,我們聽到 Bila Shaka 周圍有咆哮聲,當我們進來時,我們驚訝地發現 3/6 的 Bila Shaka六勇士聯盟 與 6/7 的 Topi 托比獅群亞雄 對峙,他們進行了很多追逐,但 托比亞雄們 似乎贏得了比賽,因為他們負責與兩隻來自瑪莎獅群的雌獅約會了,多麼壯觀的景象
from kirokormika 2024.12.11

Early this morning we heard Roars all around Bila Shaka and when we came in to our surprise was 3/6 of the Bila Shaka Boys having a stand off with 6/7 of the Topi pride sub boys,their were lots of chasing but the Topi sub-boys seemed to have won it because they were in charge of 2 females from the Marsh pride that they were mating with,what a sighting
#lions of the Mara,
#Territorial fights
今天一早,我們聽到 Bila Shaka 周圍有咆哮聲,當我們進來時,我們驚訝地發現 3/6 的 Bila Shaka六勇士聯盟 與 6/7 的 Topi 托比獅群亞雄 對峙,他們進行了很多追逐,但 托比亞雄們 似乎贏得了比賽,因為他們負責與兩隻來自瑪莎獅群的雌獅約會了,多麼壯觀的景象
from kirokormika 2024.12.11