您好,我是大连汇隆科本活塞发展技术有限公司,我需要规格为3mm*5mm 厚度为0.5-0.6mm的无缝铜制方管,请您提供产品信息并报价? 联系电话XXXXXXXXXXX韩部长
留我的电话:13674264982 徐
seamless copper tube
Dimension: (W)3mm*(L)5mm (THK)0.5-0.6mm
Hello, we are the Dalian Hellon Keben piston technique developing company of limited liability of China. We need the seamless copper tube as the dimension of (W)3mm,(L)5mm,(THK)0.5-0.6mm, the purchasing amount is about 30-50 kg. If you have such product, please connect with me. My name is Han Junwen, the department manager of tooling, my mobilephone-number is 086-XXXXXXXXXXX。The mobilephone-number of the staff about this project is 086-13674264982. The e-mail of my staff about this project is crimsontear800723@hotmail.com. Thank you.
Han Junwen
留我的电话:13674264982 徐
seamless copper tube
Dimension: (W)3mm*(L)5mm (THK)0.5-0.6mm
Hello, we are the Dalian Hellon Keben piston technique developing company of limited liability of China. We need the seamless copper tube as the dimension of (W)3mm,(L)5mm,(THK)0.5-0.6mm, the purchasing amount is about 30-50 kg. If you have such product, please connect with me. My name is Han Junwen, the department manager of tooling, my mobilephone-number is 086-XXXXXXXXXXX。The mobilephone-number of the staff about this project is 086-13674264982. The e-mail of my staff about this project is crimsontear800723@hotmail.com. Thank you.
Han Junwen