Lots of news this week, this time comic news. Most of you may have
been aware that there was an Avatar comic for Free Comic Book Day 2011
which included the comics: Relics and Dirty Is Only Skin Deep. There was
no Avatar comic for 2012, but Dark Horse have just announced their FCBD line up for 2013 and it includes an Avatar Comic.
Free Comic Book Day 2013 will be May 4th 2013

Dark Horse’s description of this free comic says this,
And the smash hit Avatar: The Last Airbender follows Mai as she deals with her broken heart . . .
As you can see from the cover, Gene Yang is
once again the writer, but we have a new Avatar artist in Ryan Hill. I
am very interested to see how this art looks on the interior.
I am also happy to see Mai be the focus of
this comic as she was quite conspicuous in her absence from The Promise
Part 2 and 3. So in a way this comic may serve as the “What happened to
Mai during The Promise Part 2 and 3 into The Search” comic.