"The measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge" ~ Dr Martin Luther King 对一个人的终极衡量,不在于他所曾拥有的片刻安逸,而在于他处于挑战与争议的时代—马丁 路德 金 (5)| 转发(29) | 评论(17) 今天11:10来自新浪微博
"Thru rain and pain we gotta keep our sense of humor and gotta be able to smile" ~ Tupac “不管历经多少风雨,我们也要保持一颗乐观的心,而且你必须要学会微笑”-图帕克 (11)| 转发(78)| 收藏| 评论(34) | 更多◆ --> 1月21日17:18来自新浪微博 |举报 The most dangerous Super Bowl commercial of all time. GOT MILK? Super Bowl is going to get ROCKED. 有史以来最危险的橄榄球超级杯赛广告。要牛奶?超级杯赛就要找Rock了。

(7)| 转发(50)| 收藏| 评论(47) | 更多◆ --> 1月21日08:42来自新浪微博 |举报 We're defined by our greatest influences.. He is one of mine. Happy birthday, champ! 对你影响最大的人或事会改变你的人生。就是他影响了我。生日快乐,champ!

"Thru rain and pain we gotta keep our sense of humor and gotta be able to smile" ~ Tupac “不管历经多少风雨,我们也要保持一颗乐观的心,而且你必须要学会微笑”-图帕克 (11)| 转发(78)| 收藏| 评论(34) | 更多◆ --> 1月21日17:18来自新浪微博 |举报 The most dangerous Super Bowl commercial of all time. GOT MILK? Super Bowl is going to get ROCKED. 有史以来最危险的橄榄球超级杯赛广告。要牛奶?超级杯赛就要找Rock了。

