VLADISLAV SURKOV, Deputy Prime Minster and Chief of the Government Staff. Coordinates the work of the federal executive bodies and issues instructions in the following areas: ·Identifying the goals, objectives and evaluation criteria for regional executive bodies in line with the government’s socio-economic priorities; ·Development of a monitoring system for the federal and regional executive bodies to evaluate their work; ·Improving the work of the federal and regional executive bodies; administrative reform; ·Civil service; ·Drafting and implementing state policy with regard to the mass media; ·Organising the work on drafting bills; ·Organising and planning the government’s work and oversight of the federal executive bodies’ compliance with the government’s decisions; ·State policy with regard to the court system, liaison with judicial bodies and prosecution authorities; ·State statistics work; ·Organisation of drafting the government’s resolutions and the Prime Minister’s instructions; ·State policy with regard to innovation; and ·State policy with regard to culture upon special instructions of the Prime Minister. 白宫官网五次里只能刷开一回,所以还是摘出来……权责范围,我被那个Civil Service真的吓着了= = Yes,Minister的后遗症…… 此外我估计意识形态就算是所谓culture upon special instructions of the Prime Minister.
During any temporary absence of the Prime Minister, First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov shall act in his stead and perform his responsibilities. Also, the following officials shall step in for their colleagues in the event of their temporary absence: Igor Shuvalov’s responsibilities shall be taken over by Arkady Dvorkovich; Arkady Dvorkovich’s responsibilities shall be taken over by Igor Shuvalov; Olga Golodets’s responsibilities shall be taken over by Dmitry Kozak; Dmitry Kozak’s responsibilities shall be taken over by Olga Golodets; Dmitry Rogozin’s responsibilities shall be taken over by Alexander Khloponin; Alexander Khloponin’s responsibilities shall be taken over by Dmitry Rogozin; Vladislav Surkov’s responsibilities shall be taken over by Arkady Dvorkovich. 。。。。。。。。。。。。。阿尔卡季。。。。。。。。。。
以及,接近零有声书拖下来了,这阵子其他的没练出来,俄语搜索能力暴涨,各种资源最后都能在俄语网站上找到不要注册不要钱的版本……只不过就是下下来了也看不懂,囧。 有声书的感想是……我懂他们为什么觉得他black prince of Kremlin为什么说他satanism了……这气氛这音效这腔调……我本来以为虽然题材并不风花雪月最多也就是古惑仔,没想到有声书录出来居然是贞子效果的……
The members of the government were being arranged for several minutes. In general, they were staying according their height, the places near Putin took Elena Skrynnik and Tatiana Golikova. - There isn`t any special protocol arrangement. - the organizers said. Everything is spontaneous. It`s noteworthy, that while the ministers were waiting Putin, the vice-primeminister Vladislav Surkov was making photos of the collegues and jornalists with i-phone. - And now - verse! - the head of the foreign ministry Sergey Lavrov said loudly, when Surkov took away his phone. 另外一段……这是哪里来的料啊滚来滚去,说大家集中在一起等总统先生的时候苏大人掏手机出来拍自己同事和旁边记者……拉叔说话之后又赶紧收回去了。 不行了我要笑疯了……
到底为什么不让发俄语呢…… Входят два клоуна; имя им Бим и Бом, Инь и Ян, Адам и Ева, Тайра и Минамото, Владимир и Эстрагон, Он и Офф, Ницше и Пустота, Маша и Медведи. Но эти имена ненастоящие, потому что настоящих имён у них нет, а есть только роли. Сейчас оне поведают вам поучительнейшую историю Бгора чернокнижника от весьма древних дней, когда не было www, до теперешних светлых нулевых лет. И если им будет оказана честь, если вы удостоите и почтите их своим вниманием — чем меньшим, тем более дорогим и ценимым, — они как могут изобразят, обязуясь помышлять о высоком и лишь по крайней необходимости и самым умеренным образом употреблять ненормативную лексику, обещая сокращать, сколько возможно, сцены секса и насилия, а назидательные монологи положительных героев радостно растягивать на все четыре стороны, перескажут вам невероятное приключение Егора и Плаксы.