水立方学校吧 关注:1,764贴子:197,834



Moderator: The Chinese particularly love you, don’t they?
BC: Apparently, apparently so. Yes, apparently so, which I’m veryflattered by it.
Moderator: Yeah, in terms of this series, let’s talk about this series.
BC: Yeah
Moderator: It felt like the series is a lot about kind of deepeningyour character, your
characters, and kind of humanizing Sherlock. Did you feel thatway too? Did you feel like
this was taking a new turn in that sense?
BC: Yeah, a little bit. You know. That’s what sort of happened as a character as the
first 2 series as well. But where you left him, there was a 2 year gap. And I think during that
time, he was on his own, and just lost lots of the social skills and contact with humanity that
he had through his relationship and friendship with John. So I think 3 is about, obviously
about this relationship now, and also through that, he discovers far more again about what
makes him a better detective, and better human being through his relationship with, now,
Mary and John. Yeah, you discover a lot more about him, you even get a glimpse of
suggested back storyof and the depth of relationship with Mycroft has gone some further
distance. And you understand that he came from something, he has two very normal
f**king amazing parents. (laugh) And, uh, I always sweat when I talk about my mother.
I’m gonna get into trouble. And yeah, that was a joy of play. That was a lovelything to
have. It sort of deepened him as a human being. And still turn him inas the number 1
world’s consulting detective.

146楼2014-02-10 15:56
    Benedict被Star Trek Into Darkness的其他演员整蛊。

    148楼2014-02-11 11:15

      149楼2014-02-11 11:32
        看网上对小夏在Star Trek的表现评价还都不错,今天放假,就去iTunes上租了来看。
        这是他在David Letterman的Late Show里的访谈。

        151楼2014-02-11 13:53
          PROJECT HH
          I, the undersigned, hereby accept liability, in that participation with the Paramount Pictures
          production Star Trek 2, hereafter referred to as HH, at the National Ignition Facility,
          Livermore CA, hereafter referred to as NIF, recognize that the topically applied emollient
          known as Neutron Cream does not exist and that jumping up and down and shaking my
          hands makes look like a silly bastard. All consequences and repercussions are my
          responsibility alone.

          152楼2014-02-11 13:59
            Benedict, Chris Pine, and Kim Cattrall的Graham Norton Show
            Part 1:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXqsg59z7m0
            Part 2:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2vp93sKOOdo
            Part 3:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLSp3mH6D_A

            153楼2014-02-11 14:20
              小夏在Google Play的访谈里谈到他对Khan这个角色的理解,说的很对我的胃口。
              主持人问: Do you have anything in common with John Harrison?
              BC: Uh, I look a bit like him, although I've got a little bit more light in my eyes normally
              than I do in the poster. Uh, I'm being very facetious.
              Do I have anything in common with him?
              Well, yeah. I'm very loyal. I'm quite tribal about the people that I care about. I'm fiercely
              defensive of those who are close to me that I love, and that includes this family of
              people I've just worked with on this film. It's a powerful reflection that is seen all the
              way through J.J's work of family and connections and friendship and loyalty, and it pays
              off because it's something every audience member can empathize with, and it doesn't
              close it down as being just a Sci-Fi film or even an action thriller. It's something that
              everyone can enjoy for that very reason.
              And I would say that it is an aspect that I share with him and Harrison to a degree,
              because while his acts may be incredibly violent and vicious and unremitting,
              the purpose behind them, the intention is very pure and based on a moral drive and a very
              human passion to fight for the underdog, to fight for the right and survival of his people,
              his tribe, and to make sure that there is an element of balance being redressed in the
              powers of the modern, or futuristic landscape that he's in.
              You know, I feel, that he's a terrorist, and one man's terrorist is another man's freedom
              fighter. And terrirism is often born, not always, but often born out of a minority struggle
              for understanding and some kind of ability to answer, politically, where they're at with
              superpowers or what we deem as being democracy being imposed on them, or
              despotism, or lack of rule of law.
              And desperate times call for desperate measures, and so I think it's no surprise that in
              popular culture, there are lots of bad guys who have motivations that are premised
              in terrorism because of that. It's permeated our popular culture. We're still making
              sense of it because it is, sadly, a modern reality.

              154楼2014-02-11 15:21
                请教@悦枫轩旧友 有关英语学习的问题。
                至亲的孩子九岁 ,读三年级,在国内三四线小城市。我感觉他们的英语老师水平有限,至少发音不准确。可是我又不能回去亲自教她。我打算再过几年让孩子出国读中学,也许读高中。所以现在必须让她学好英语。请教适合内地孩子学习英文的好的方法。

                155楼2014-02-28 10:21

                  156楼2014-03-10 11:05