1.THREE-TAILED SWALLOWTAIL 三尾燕尾龙 在这样一个好时候——这家伙享受着三倍的乐趣。但是注意你的脚下——我们的三尾燕尾龙可能会突然窜起来。没错,伙计们,他多出来的那只尾巴没给他带来一星半点的烦恼。 "In for a whip-cracking good time—this guy is thrice the fun. But careful where you step—our three tailed Swallowtail might take offense to having one danced upon. That’s right folks, that extra tail doesn’t bother him one bit."
2.THE BAREFOOT DINO 裸足迪诺 前所未见,令人惊叹的奇异,诡怪之处在于这是一只光着脚的恐龙。在此之前甚至没有人知道它们的鞋子会掉下来或是一只恐龙会有脚趾。更妙的是,这家伙会为你蜷曲起它的小脚趾。 "Never seen before, come marvel at the strangeness, the oddity that is The Barefoot Dino. Before now no-one even knew if the shoes came off and if a Dino had toes. Well Wonder no more, this fellow will wriggle his cute little toes just for you."
3.THE BEARDED LADY 胡须女士 OK,伙计们,她身形庞大,她通体明黄,她有着流淌的光泽秀发,眼中含情。她是丑陋的,但我们不会告诉她这个事实…….主要因为我们不想被她碾死。这就是她——我们的胡须女士! "OK Folks, She’s big, she’s yellow, she has long flowing glossy locks and a sparkle in her eye. She’s ugly, but we won’t hold that against her...mainly because we don’t want to get squashed flat. Here she is—the Bearded Lady."
4.BLINDED NEBULA 盲目星云 啜泣,亲爱的观众们,为了永远不曾拥有的东西。这个可怜的样本从破壳而出的那天起就是盲目的,因为他母亲的疏忽。从未仰望那些星辰的荣光,他不曾意识到那本应璀璨的双翅失去了所有的颜色。 "Weep, dear viewers, for the ? that will never be. This poor specimen was blinded on the moment of his hatching by a rogue supernova. Never to see the glory of the stars he does not realise his glorious wings lack all color."
5.OILY TURPENTINE 松香滑溜溜 请穿上您的胶鞋去见这个家伙,他是头真正滑溜溜的龙。众所周知松香龙的皮肤分泌油脂,但是这家伙却无法弄清楚怎么停下它。尽管像只沼泽里的青蛙那样黏糊糊的,他仍然享受来自那些不怕弄湿自己家伙们的拥抱。 "Put on your galoshes for this one folks, he is a right slippery character. We all know Turpentines produce oil, but this fellow can’t figure out how to turn it off. Slicker than a frog in a bog, he still enjoys a hug or two from anyone not afraid to get wet."
8.NAKED PILLOW 枕头光秃秃 什么是蓬松的却又不是?惊讶于这个奇迹,一只光溜溜的枕头龙。是什么人剪掉了他的毛,或是他生而如此?没——有一个人知道,不过请放心,他仍然庞大而柔软,无论他的毛存在与否。 "What’s fluffy but isn’t? Marvel at the wonder that is the naked Pillow. Has someone shorn him, or was he hatched this way? No—one knows, but rest assured he is still a big softy no matter where his fur has gone."
9.ROOSTER 公鸡 奇迹中的战斗机。在你面前的是之前只在传说中出现,却从未露面的雄性家鸡。有人甚至叫他“公鸡”。看他闪闪发光的颜色和漂亮的尾巴,但是其它鸡会怎么看待他呢? "Marvel of Marvels. This here before you is the fabled but never before seen Male Chicken. Some even call it a Rooster. See his glossy colors and fine tail. But what will the other chickens think of him? "
10.COWARDIY ELECTRIC 弱虫电子 这头可怜龙是个有点害羞的家伙。看,他并不为自己古怪的角而尴尬,不,事实上他惧怕的是自己发电的能力。这个小伙子有个温柔的灵魂,害怕伤害他人而永远不会点亮他的火花——但对于那些安静而耐心的人们,他愿意向他们展示一点柔和的电光。 "This poor fellow is a little shy folks. You see, he isn’t embarrassed at his odd horns, no. He is in fact afraid of his own electric power. Our boy is a gentle soul, and would never light up his spark for fear of harming another living thing—but a gentle glow he will show to those who are quiet and patient."
11.STRIPE SISTERS 条纹姐妹花 “我看到的是斑点吗?”没错,伙计们,过来看看这对条纹龙姐妹,一只有着斑点而另一只失去了她的条纹。这是否意味着她们已经不再是只“条纹龙”?别担心,即使名称不同,这些女孩们依然有着同样的乐趣。 "Am I seeing spots? That’s right folks, come and see the Stripe Sisters; one has spots and the other has lost her stripes. Does that mean they are no longer ‘Striped dragons?’ Never fear, these girls have just as much fun without their namesake."
12.WHITE TEA 白茶 “红茶对你来说太浓了吗?”——那么加点牛奶吧,但不要放糖。我们的白化茶一定准备好了,从奶油色的尾巴到她娇嫩的红鼻子。 "Is black tea too rich for you?—just add a little milk. But hold the sugar. Our Albino tea will sure to please, from her creamy tail to her delicate blushing nose."