泊云港吧 关注:16贴子:1,815
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I am a funambulist,
standing at the verge of steelropes of life
high enough to overlook anyone as if I am the ruler
high enough to bury the laughters as acute knifepiece slicing my ridiculous dignity
I am a funambulist,
standing at the verge of steelropes of life
high enough to jump over as a snow-white seagull flying toward everlasting liberty
high enough to fall over as a flaming meterolite bouncing to a heaven land
But I am afraid,
in the blasted cage
even death could not be my Saviour

来自Android客户端1楼2014-09-09 19:16回复

    来自Android客户端2楼2014-09-09 19:35
      He stood in the shades of a rotten corner, without a slight beam of moonlight, watching Padre kneeled down toward the hypocritical god. His voice was still as same as the days when he fondled his used puffy black hair and called him, '' Carino.'' He had been his hero, the last straw he would have taken to extricate from the whirling perplexity. However, Padre was the biggest charlatan in the world to him. The lie could be devastating as if a demon that engulfing all the bright memories and past laughters and destine him a blasted future.

      来自Android客户端3楼2014-09-09 19:45
        When he came back with no overt outlooking as the past Arthur and an alia '' Gadfly'', his heart had already been torted by thirteen year's torture and agony, but luckily with no much evilness. And for Padre, oh poor Padre, he was in the grief of losing his only son and got insomnia as redemption of deceiving and concealing for thirteen years. The man was old, and he would never expect that his Carino grew up to such a man as Gadfly who no longer stood at the side with him, with his sacred God. But he still recognized the innate attributes that Gadfly possessed covered by his muddy and cruel outlooking. His Padre would never forsake him, except for his God, that's why he want to save Padre from the hallucination of lenient God saving pious people, he consoled himeself. At the night when he confessed that he was Arthur, Padre weeped like a child and embraced him as if a kid found his lost teddy. He tried to convince Padre, for saving his dearest Padre from this bloody and seemingly holy

        来自Android客户端4楼2014-09-09 22:15
          position as the cardinal, a marionette. So he shouted out the question which had haunted inside his mind for thirteen years, Him or the God? He questioned:'' your son or the God?'' For Padre, that was the harshest choices he had encontered ever. Eventually, Catheral's Carino was murdered again by his own hands, full with blood,to sacrify his Carino to this hypocritical ceremony of Jesus. God would not save his Carino back. god just camly watching the shifting lives of humans. And the last,the last. Padre died with a scattered heart. However, the winner would still be Gadfly, the wickness power of religion mush be counquered, by the hands of his people, and Italy is going to welcome a greatest revolution against the church.

          来自Android客户端5楼2014-09-09 22:29

            来自Android客户端6楼2014-09-09 22:30
              Kim was an anthropologist, an unprofessional one. She is just a freshman in university and merely studied introduction of psychology. Her dream was to be an anthropologist and she became to call herself Anthropologist now. But whatever, no matter she is or not, the world would not care, and people would not care. They were now caring about surviving in current world with ubiquitous zombies. Now Kim was traveling alone with the antiquated truck left by her mom and encountered a male zombie. Oh shit, why she would use ''male zombie'' to describe this...this creature. well, he looked a bit odd from his mates...at least, his movements were more humanlike than his mates.

              来自Android客户端7楼2014-09-09 22:46

                来自Android客户端8楼2014-09-09 22:49
                  There was a intractable problem lying in front of Kim that she did take rifles with her but her watery brain had made her forgotten the essence of bullets. She was run out of bullets. When Kim was trying to find something incisive which could cut off this rotter's head, the zombie smiled. Kim swore, the zombie was smiling and she even thought that was a sexy smile. ''You cant find anything because I have already hide them up. Oh, no, no, no. Calm down. I just want to tell that I am not a complete zombie yet so please let me enjoy the rest days of my life with concious.''

                  来自Android客户端9楼2014-09-09 22:58
                    the zombie's mouth puckered up slightly, and came closer to the truck, '' I am Sean, and I plead you to let me take a ride. No worry about your safety, I still have my sanity and I promise I won't do anything bad to you.''

                    来自Android客户端10楼2014-09-09 23:04

                      来自Android客户端11楼2014-09-09 23:07