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【原创短篇】The Morning Kiss


[The End]

IP属地:加拿大1楼2015-06-08 14:19回复
    IP属地:加拿大6楼2015-06-09 12:16

      The Morning Kiss
      The butter beer which isvery near to his hand shakes happily and spills over the sweet smell of thewheat. The golden cones splash out and suddenly get into really tiny dots. Thenthey fall down and leave a perfect dent which is made of different kinds ofamazing arcs.
      The train moves on with a burst of bump.
      The metal wheels and theiron rails are almost rubbing with each other and advance with this kind ofboring revolving all the time.
      He tries hard to look at the sunshine which iskeeping getting brighter and brighter outside the window. The telegraph polesappear first in the old window on the train which is going to break down soon.The electric wires are black and slender. They muster just like the cobwebs ofthe spiders and cover a little piece of the golden world of the billowing wheatfield.
      The not very light sunshine slants the trainwindow.
      Hereads the ticking time under the clean watch which was cleaned by her carefullyagain and again. He didn’t have the ferocious dream again, so he wakes up cheerfully,and the taste of tiredness also goes from his mouth. He really should admitthat she is truly a wonderful centering agent.
      It’s still early morning now. Maybe he canhave a short sleep.
      “Good morning.” She says in a silent smileand closes the book which is extremely able to break a person’s head in herhand. She was just reading then. She doesn’t have the ability to change her seriousexpression in a very short time, so it changes into a lovely and weirdexpression which is half of smiling and half of being serious. If her ears aretwice longer than her ears now, he is extremely sure that she will look like abrown little bunny.
      He looks at her eyes whose color is just likea piece of chocolate which can warm your heart in cold winter. They are met byhis eyes which are always as beautiful and green as the secret forests.
      Then they smile to each other.
      The sunshine stays in her eyes, then washesher whole body. She looks holy now, as perfect as a young angle. He heard thatthe sunshine in the morning is the best makeup in the world, but in fact she isstill so lovely even when she is in the darkness. This is because she is sopretty, and this kind of beauty is from her wisdom, her character……and the lovebetween them, instead of the beauty of her face or body.
      And he ignores her existence unexpectedly justnow.
      Maybe he should give her compensation bypunishing his carelessness and stupidity.
      He has a quick consideration and gives her an amazing kiss before she canrealize it.
      “Good morning.” He laughs trollishly, but hisstupidity and his smiling are lovely. The smile suddenly falls into the timeaccidentally, and it is sure that the smile will not fade away forever.
      [The End]

      IP属地:加拿大本楼含有高级字体9楼2015-06-10 20:17