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I'm a bit bored now.Here are some lines from books and I want to see you guys' remarks about them below
1:"Some tourists think Amsterdam is a city of sin,but in truth it's a city of freedom. And in freedom, most ppl find sin."
2:"Some infinities are bigger than other infinities."
3:"Pain demands to be felt."

来自Android客户端1楼2016-02-10 13:54回复
    For making u guys acquaintance, I'll make a introduction.According to my Posting Bar identity, I'm named 84,love reading and sharing interesting things of life. Those words are that I got from a book called The Fault In Our Stars.It's about two teens who are both suffering from cancer, they fell in love and have their life move on.

    来自Android客户端5楼2016-02-10 14:43
      @萌萌哒小sb @nicholashwm @honreport @玲央的本体 @雪是水的精华 @Finnie0226 @星光几度追寻 @Mr_InvincibleZ @机智似我2333 @咳痰佩狸 @mix酱 @yuorxing

      来自Android客户端21楼2016-02-12 11:19