加拿大王国吧 关注:243贴子:6,114




1楼2018-02-02 12:49回复
    Motto: A Mari Usque Ad Mare (Latin)(English: "From Sea to Sea")
    Anthem: "O Canada"MENU0:00Royal anthem: "God Save the Queen"[1]
    Capital Ottawa45°24′N 75°40′W
    Largest city Toronto
    Official languages EnglishFrench
    Ethnic groups Ethnic demography[show]
    Religion List of religions[show]
    Demonym Canadian
    Government Federal parliamentaryconstitutional monarchy[4]
    • Monarch Elizabeth II
    • Governor General Julie Payette
    • Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
    • Chief Justice Richard Wagner
    Legislature Parliament
    • Upper house Senate
    • Lower house House of Commons
    Independence from the United Kingdom
    • Confederation July 1, 1867
    • Statute of Westminster December 11, 1931
    • Patriation April 17, 1982
    • Total area 9,984,670 km2(3,855,100 sq mi) (2nd)
    • Water (%) 8.92
    • Total land area 9,093,507 km2(3,511,023 sq mi)
    • 2016 census 35,151,728[5] (38th)
    • Density 3.92/km2 (10.2/sq mi) (228th)
    GDP (PPP) 2018 estimate
    • Total $1.836 trillion[6] (15th)
    • Per capita $49,620[6] (20th)
    GDP (nominal) 2018 estimate
    • Total $1.763 trillion[6] (10th)
    • Per capita $47,657[6] (15th)
    Gini (2012) 31.6[7]medium · 20th[8]
    HDI (2015) 0.920[9]very high · 10th
    Currency Canadian dollar ($) (CAD)
    Time zone (UTC−3.5 to −8)
    • Summer (DST) (UTC−2.5 to −7)
    Date format yyyy-mm-dd (AD)[10]
    Drives on the right
    Calling code +1
    ISO 3166 code CA
    Internet TLD .ca

    2楼2018-02-02 12:51
      While a variety of theories have been postulated for the etymological origins of Canada, the name is now accepted as coming from the St. Lawrence Iroquoian word kanata, meaning "village" or "settlement".[11] In 1535, indigenous inhabitants of the present-day Quebec City region used the word to direct French explorer Jacques Cartier to the village of Stadacona.[12] Cartier later used the word Canada to refer not only to that particular village, but to the entire area subject to Donnacona (the chief at Stadacona);[12] by 1545, European books and maps had begun referring to this small region along the Saint Lawrence River as Canada.[12]
      From the 16th to the early 18th century "Canada" referred to the part of New France that lay along the Saint Lawrence River.[13] In 1791, the area became two British colonies called Upper Canada and Lower Canada collectively named the Canadas; until their union as the British Province of Canada in 1841.[14] Upon Confederation in 1867, Canada was adopted as the legal name for the new country at the London Conference, and the word Dominion was conferred as the country's title.[15] The transition away from the use of Dominion was formally reflected in 1982 with the passage of the Canada Act, which refers only to Canada. Later that year, the name of the national holiday was changed from Dominion Day to Canada Day.[16] The term Dominion is also used to distinguish the federal government from the provinces, though after the Second World War the term federal had replaced dominion.

      3楼2018-02-02 12:52
        而各种理论假设为加拿大的语源学的起源,现在的名字是接受来自圣劳伦斯易洛魁语词Kanata,意为“村庄”或“定居”。[ 11 ] 1535,在今天的魁北克市地区的土著居民用词直接法国探险家Jacques Cartier在斯塔达科纳村。[ 12 ]卡地亚后用加拿大字不仅指特定的村庄,但整个地区受唐纳科纳(Stadacona的首席);[ 12 ] 1545,欧洲的书籍和地图已经开始涉及这一小区域,沿圣劳伦斯河为加拿大。[ 12 ]
        从第十六到十八世纪初的“加拿大”的简称,部分新法国,躺在圣劳伦斯河。[ 13 ] 1791,该地区成为两个英国殖民地称为上加拿大和下加拿大统称为加拿大;直到他们的联盟在1841加拿大省[ 14 ]在英国。联盟1867,加拿大作为在伦敦会议为新国家的法定名称,和字的统治被授予为全国冠军。[ 15 ]过渡远离统治使用正式体现在1982与加拿大法案的通过,它仅指加拿大。那年晚些时候,全国假日的名称从统治日改为加拿大日。(16)“自治”一词也用来区分联邦政府和各省,尽管二战结束后,联邦取代了自治权。

        4楼2018-02-02 12:53
          HistoryMain article: History of CanadaSee also: Timeline of Canadian history and List of years in CanadaFurther information: Historiography of Canada

          5楼2018-02-02 12:54
            Indigenous peoplesLinguistic areas of North American Indigenous peoples at the time of European contact
            Indigenous peoples in present-day Canada include the First Nations, Inuit, and Métis,[18] the latter being a mixed-blood people who originated in the mid-17th century when First Nations and Inuit people married European settlers.[18] The term "Aboriginal" as acollective noun is a specific term of art used in some legal documents, including the Constitution Act 1982.[19]
            The first inhabitants of North America are generally hypothesized to have migrated from Siberia by way of the Bering land bridge[20] and arrived at least 15,000 years ago, though increasing evidence suggests an even earlier arrival.[21][22][23][24] The Paleo-Indianarcheological sites at Old Crow Flats and Bluefish Caves are two of the oldest sites of human habitation in Canada.[25] The characteristics of Canadian indigenous societies included permanent settlements, agriculture, complex societal hierarchies, and trading networks.[26][27] Some of these cultures had collapsed by the time European explorers arrived in the late 15th and early 16th centuries and have only been discovered through archeological investigations.[28]
            The indigenous population at the time of the first European settlements is estimated to have been between 200,000[29] and two million,[30] with a figure of 500,000 accepted by Canada's Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples.[31] As a consequence of European colonization, the population of Canada's indigenous peoples declined by forty to eighty percent, and several First Nations, such as theBeothuk, disappeared.[32] The decline is attributed to several causes, including the transfer of European diseases, such as influenza,measles, and smallpox to which they had no natural immunity,[29][33] conflicts over the fur trade, conflicts with the colonial authorities and settlers, and the loss of indigenous lands to settlers and the subsequent collapse of several nations' self-sufficiency.[34][35]
            Although not without conflict, European Canadians' early interactions with First Nations and Inuit populations were relatively peaceful.[36] First Nations and Métis peoples played a critical part in the development of European colonies in Canada, particularly for their role in assisting European coureur des bois and voyageurs in the exploration of the continent during the North American fur trade.[37] The Crown and indigenous peoples began interactions during the European colonization period, though the Inuit, in general, had more limited interaction with European settlers.[38] However, from the late 18th century, European Canadians encouraged indigenous peoples to assimilate into their own culture.[39] These attempts reached a climax in the late 19th and early 20th centuries with forced integration and relocations.[40] A period of redress is underway, which started with the appointment of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada by the Government of Canada in 2008.[41]

            6楼2018-02-02 12:55
              在今天的加拿大土著民族包括第一民族,因纽特人和MéTIS,[ 18 ],后者是一个混血人起源于17世纪,原住民和因纽特人结婚的欧洲移民。[ 18 ]“原住民”作为一个集合名词,是一种特定的术语用在一些法律文件,包括1982宪法的行为。[ 19 ]
              北美洲最早的居民一般都是假设已经从西伯利亚通过白令陆桥[ 20 ]和至少15000年前就到了,尽管越来越多的证据表明更早到来。[ 21 ] [ 22 ] [ 23 ] [ 24 ]古印度考古遗址在老乌鸦的公寓和蓝鱼洞穴有两个加拿大人居住的最古老的遗址。[ 25 ]加拿大土著社会的特点包括永久性居民区,农业,复杂的社会阶层,和交易网络。[ 26 ] [ 27 ]这些文化的欧洲探险家抵达第十五末和第十六世纪初,倒塌的只有时间通过考古调查发现的[ 28 ]。
              在欧洲第一个定居点的土著人口估计有200000 [ 29 ]和[ 30 ]二百万之间,有500000人接受了加拿大的皇家委员会的原住民。[ 31 ]作为一个欧洲殖民的后果,加拿大土著民族的人口由四十下降到百分之八十,和几个第一的国家,如Beothuk,不见了。[ 32 ]下降是由于几个原因,包括欧洲疾病的转移,如流感、麻疹、天花,他们没有天然免疫力,[ 29 ] [ 33 ]冲突在皮毛贸易,与殖民当局和殖民者的冲突,和土著土地移民的损失和随后的山坳几个国家的自给自足的失败。[ 34 ] [ 35 ]
              虽然没有冲突,欧洲早期的互动与加拿大原住民和因纽特人的群体是相对和平的。[ 36 ]第一民族和Mé是人民在加拿大的欧洲殖民地的发展起到决定性的作用,特别是对他们在协助欧洲coureur des Bois和船夫在大陆探索角色的北美毛皮贸易中。[ 37 ]皇冠和土著人开始相互作用的欧洲殖民时期,虽然总的因纽特人,曾与欧洲殖民者更有限的互动。[ 38 ]然而,从十八世纪下旬,欧洲加拿大人鼓励原住民融入自己的文化。[ 39 ]这些尝试达成高潮第十九年末和第二十世纪初被迫整合和搬迁。[ 40 ]一段调整正在进行中,由加拿大政府对加拿大的真相与和解委员会在任命2008开始。[ 41 ]

              7楼2018-02-02 12:55

                8楼2018-02-02 12:56
                  European colonization
                  The first known attempt at European colonization began when Norsemen settled briefly at L'Anse aux Meadows in Newfoundland around 1000 AD.[42] No further European exploration occurred until 1497, when Italian seafarer John Cabot explored and claimed Canada's Atlantic coast in the name of King Henry VII of England.[43][44] Then Basque and Portuguese mariners established seasonal whaling and fishing outposts along the Atlantic coast in the early 16th century.[45] In 1534, French explorer Jacques Cartier explored the Gulf of Saint Lawrence where, on July 24, he planted a 10-metre (33 ft) cross bearing the words "Long Live the King of France" and took possession of the territory New France in the name of King Francis I.[46] In general the settlements appear to have been short-lived, possibly due to the similarity of outputs producible in Scandinavia and northern Canada and the problems of navigating trade routes at that time.[47]
                  In 1583, Sir Humphrey Gilbert, by the royal prerogative of Queen Elizabeth I, founded St. John's, Newfoundland, as the first North American English colony.[48] French explorer Samuel de Champlain arrived in 1603 and established the first permanent European settlements at Port Royal (in 1605) and Quebec City (in 1608).[49] Among the colonists of New France, Canadiensextensively settled the Saint Lawrence River valley and Acadians settled the present-day Maritimes, while fur traders and Catholic missionaries explored the Great Lakes, Hudson Bay, and the Mississippi watershed to Louisiana.[50] The Beaver Wars broke out in the mid-17th century over control of the North American fur trade.[51]

                  9楼2018-02-02 12:56
                    第一次尝试在欧洲殖民开始时Norsemen定居在简要兰塞奥兹草原纽芬兰岛公元1000年左右。[ 42 ]没有欧洲的进一步探索发生直到1497,当意大利航海家约翰·卡伯特探索并声称加拿大的大西洋海岸在英国国王亨利七世的名字。[ 43 ] [ 44 ]然后巴斯克和葡萄牙水手了季节性的捕鲸和捕鱼据点大西洋沿岸早在十六世纪。[ 45 ] 1534,法国探险家Jacques Cartier考察了海湾的圣劳伦斯,7月24日,他种植了10米(33英尺)横刻有“法国万岁”,以境内拥有新法国国王Francis I. [ 46 ]一般设定的国王的名字元素的出现都是短暂的,可能是由于输出可在斯堪的纳维亚和北加拿大,在当时的贸易路线的问题相似。[ 47 ]
                    1583、Humphrey Gilbert先生,由皇家伊丽莎白女王我的特权,创办圣约翰,纽芬兰岛,作为第一个北美的英国殖民地。[ 48 ]法国探险家塞缪尔de尚普兰抵达1603建立了第一个欧洲永久定居点皇家港(1605)和魁北克市(1608)。[ 49 ]新的法国殖民者之间,加拿大人广泛定居在圣劳伦斯河谷和阿卡迪亚人解决当今沿海,而毛皮商人和天主教传教士对五大湖、哈德逊湾,密西西比河流域和路易斯安那。[ 50 ] Beaver Wars爆发在17世纪的北美毛皮贸易的控制。[ 51 ]

                    10楼2018-02-02 12:57
                      The English established additional settlements in Newfoundland, beginning in 1610[52] and the Thirteen Colonies to the south were founded soon after.[45]A series of four wars erupted in colonial North America between 1689 and 1763; the later wars of the period constituted the North American theatre of the Seven Years' War.[53] Mainland Nova Scotia came under British rule with the 1713 Treaty of Utrecht, and Canada and most of New France came under British rule in 1763 after the Seven Years' War.[54]
                      The Royal Proclamation of 1763 established First Nation treaty rights, created the Province of Quebec out of New France, and annexed Cape Breton Islandto Nova Scotia.[16] St. John's Island (now Prince Edward Island) became a separate colony in 1769.[55] To avert conflict in Quebec, the British Parliament passed the Quebec Act of 1774, expanding Quebec's territory to the Great Lakes and Ohio Valley. More importantly, the Quebec Act afforded Quebec special autonomy and rights of self-administration at a time that the Thirteen Colonies were increasingly agitating against British rule.[56] It re-established the French language, Catholic faith, and French civil law there, staving off the growth of an independence movement in contrast to the Thirteen Colonies. The Proclamation and the Quebec Act in turn angered many residents of the Thirteen Colonies, further fuelling anti-British sentiment in the years prior to the American Revolution.[

                      11楼2018-02-02 12:57
                        英建立了额外的定居点在纽芬兰岛,开始在1610 [ 52 ]和十三个殖民地建立后不久。[ 45 ]四个系列的战争在北美洲殖民地的1689和1763之间爆发了;后来的战争时期构成的“七年战争”的北美剧院。[ 53 ]新斯科舍的英国殖民统治下的大陆与乌得勒支1713条约,和加拿大最新的法国和英国殖民统治下的1763的七年战争结束后,[ 54 ]
                        皇家1763建立的第一个国家条约权利宣言,成立了魁北克省新法兰西,并吞并了布雷顿角岛的新斯科舍。[ 16 ]圣约翰岛(现在的爱德华王子岛)成为1769个独立的殖民地。[ 55 ]避免魁北克冲突,英国议会通过的魁北克法案1774,扩大魁北克境内的大湖和俄亥俄谷。更重要的是,魁北克的行为给魁北克特别自治权和自治时,十三个殖民地日益鼓动反对英国的统治。[ 56 ]它重新确立了法语,天主教信仰,和法国民法,避开了与十三个殖民地独立运动的发展。《宣言》和《魁北克法案》反过来激怒了十三个殖民地的许多居民,这进一步加剧了美国革命前几年的反英情绪。

                        12楼2018-02-02 12:57
                          After the successful American War of Independence, the 1783 Treaty of Paris recognized the independence of the newly formed United State and set the terms of peace, ceding British North American territories south of the Great Lakes to the new country.[57] The American war of independence also caused a large out-migration of Loyaliststhe settlers who had fought against American independence. Many moved to Canada, particularly Atlantic Canada, where their arrival changed the demographic distribution of the existing territories. New Brunswick was in turn split from Nova Scotia as part of a reorganization of Loyalist settlements in the Maritimes.[58] To accommodate the influx of English-speaking Loyalists in Central Canada, the Constitutional Act of 1791 divided the province of Canada into French-speaking Lower Canada (later Quebec) and English-speaking Upper Canada (laterOntario), granting each its own elected legislative assembly.

                          13楼2018-02-02 12:58
                            美国独立战争胜利后,巴黎的1783个条约承认美国独立新成立的美国建立和平的条款,英国的北美领土割让南大湖的新国家。[ 57 ]美国独立战争也造成大量转移的支持者谁反对美国独立移民。许多人移居加拿大,特别是大西洋加拿大,他们的到来改变了现有领土的人口分布。新不伦瑞克又从新斯科舍分置为在沿海的改组政府的定居点的一部分。[ 58 ]适应英语的支持者在加拿大市中心的涌入,1791宪法行为分加拿大省讲法语的加拿大(后来的魁北克)和英语上加拿大(后来的安大略),授予每个自己选出的立法议会。

                            14楼2018-02-02 12:58
                              The Canadas were the main front in the War of 1812 between the United States and the United Kingdom. Peace came in 1815; no boundaries were changed. Immigration resumed at a higher level, with over 960,000 arrivals from Britain between 1815–50.[60] New arrivals included refugees escaping the Great Irish Famine as well as Gaelic-speaking Scots displaced by the Highland Clearances.[61] Infectious diseases killed between 25 and 33 percent of Europeans who immigrated to Canada before 1891

                              15楼2018-02-02 13:03