Consideredone of the nine Wonders Made by Man, the Wall is over 700 feet high and wasconstructed entirely of ice and stone over 8000 years ago by Brandon theBuilder. Defended by the Night’s Watch, the Wall stretches over 300 milesacross the North, protecting the Realm from the wildlings and White Walkers.According to myth, old spells were woven into it to strengthen it and The Wallis believed to have the ability to protect itself from invaders.
Foundedeons ago, the Night’s Watch guards the Wall, protecting the Seven Kingdoms fromthe wilds of the Far north. In recent times, the order’s ranks have dwindledand are now supplied mainly from the dungeons.
Consideredone of the nine Wonders Made by Man, the Wall is over 700 feet high and wasconstructed entirely of ice and stone over 8000 years ago by Brandon theBuilder. Defended by the Night’s Watch, the Wall stretches over 300 milesacross the North, protecting the Realm from the wildlings and White Walkers.According to myth, old spells were woven into it to strengthen it and The Wallis believed to have the ability to protect itself from invaders.
Foundedeons ago, the Night’s Watch guards the Wall, protecting the Seven Kingdoms fromthe wilds of the Far north. In recent times, the order’s ranks have dwindledand are now supplied mainly from the dungeons.