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The SecondInternational Conference on ElectronicsInstrumentation and Information Systems(EIIS2020)
July17-19, 2020, Harbin,China
The SecondInternational Conference on Electronics Instrumentation andInformation Systems(EIIS2020) will provide the participants with opportunitiesto discuss and explore areas related to the theory of intelligent computing,information theory technology, informationsystemsas well as instrument andsensor. The goal of this conference is to provide opportunities for researchersand engineers to contact with each other and academic exchange platform tofacilitate discipline individual development and fusionof each other.EIIS2020is to further explore both theoretical and practical issues inintelligent computing, information sciences, instrument and applications. Italso provides platform for researchers to exchange ideas and establishcollaboration.
SCOPE:EIIS2020issoliciting papers for the following (but not limited to) topics:
Track I: Intelligent Computing
•High-performance processors andintelligent instrument
•Parallel, array and networkcomputing and data processing on satellite
•Pervasive computing and terminalequipment
•Deep learning based intelligentsystem
•Machine learning and systems
•Artificial intelligence andexpert system based computer fault diagnosis
•Artificial intelligence andpattern recognition
•Simulated testing of computerequipment and network connectivity discovery
•Software module design and systemintegration technology
•Software bug mining
•Information security and networkprotection
•Object recognition andrecognition
•Image processing and applications
•Speech recognition
Track II: Information Theory andTechnology
•Modeling and simulation
•Reliability design and analysis
•Adaptive, robust, distributed and optimizedcontrol
•Thermal and electrical processcontrol and instrumentation
•Automotive Instrumentation andControl
•Automatic online test anddiagnosis for control equipment
•High-performance processors andintelligent instrument
•MIMO space channel and digitalcorrection
•Novel access, switching, routingtechnology
•Private mobile radio
•Corporative diversity radio (CDR)
•Software Defined Radio (SDR)
•Cognitive radio
•Wireless network fusiontechnology
•Wireless network protocolsanalysis
•Data Communication Tester andAnalyzer
•Fiber and Laser Communication
•High rate & anti-disturbantspace communication
•Satellite networkingcommunication
Track III:Information Systems
•Adaptive, robust, distributed andoptimized control
•Self-control and automaticequipment
•Navigation, Guidance, Control andInstrumentation
•Flight vehiclecontrol and DroneTechnology
•Embedded systems and microelectromechanical systems
•High-speed ADC & DAC andtesting
•Real-time signal processingtechnology
•Bus Interface Technology
•Novel Remote Sensing and Spaceinformation system architecture
•Processed surface detectiontechnology and instrument
•Light and laser wavelength, powerand spectrum measurements
•RF、MW、MMW、OW、LASER and Radiation measurement
•Thermal property measurement
Track IV:Instrument and Sensor
•Wide-band analog signalconditioning technology
•Dynamic local and reconfigurable FPGAtechnology
•Digital, intelligent, virtual,automatic, systematic, networked, modular and micro technology
•Advanced sensors, perceptor,actuator and RFID technology
•Novel Remote Sensing and Spaceinformation system architecture
Paper Submission
All papers must be unpublished and should notbe under simultaneous review for any other conferences and workshops. Papers inspecial sessions are also invited to provide forums for focused discussions onnew topicsand innovative applications of established approaches.Research papersshould be a full paper of at least 4 pages but no more than 6 pages includingreferences and illustrations. Position papers and system demos are alsowelcome. Electronic submissions inPDF format are recommended
All papers should besubmitted electronically via Online Paper Submission System, which is locatedat “eiis.hit.edu.cn”. The format of both the initial submissions and the finalaccepted papers must be in PDF. All papers will be peer-reviewed by members ofthe EIIS2020program committee and selected reviewers. Papers are selected basedon their originality, significance, relevance, and clarity ofpresentation.Accepted papers with paidregistration will be submittedin theProceedings of EIIS 2020, normallyIEEE Xploredigital library(to bedetermined)and are EI-indexed.Excellent papers are recommended topublish on the special issues of EI-indexed journals. Extro-Excellent papersare recommended to publish on theSCI-indexed journals..
Contact information
Jianguo Zhou
Tel: 18117129626

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