UNITED by HOPE - Project Nimbus Original Soundtrack
Experience the sound of war-torn skies once again!
The official Project Nimbus Soundtrack contains 42 specially created tracks by two talented artists, Ethan Jeffrey and Quinnsounds (aka Narupai Asksonmee).
Project Nimbus官方原声集包含42首由两位天才艺术家Ethan Jeffrey和Quinnsounds(又名Narupai Asksonmee)特别创作的曲目。
Music composed & arranged by Ethan Jeffrey.
Track list:
01. Training
02. Battle Frame
03. Prototype
04. Rise! Mirai!
04B. Rise! Mirai (Percussion Only)
05. GCTX-01
06. Skybourne Justice
07. Sacrificet, Omnia, Justitia
08. Swift and Nimble
09. Lustitia EST
10. Kasnaya Kometa
11. Against all enemies, foreign
12. Chooser of the Slain
13. Mithril Briefing
14. Episode 1 Ending 1
15. Hope 2014
16. Don't Look Down!
17. Decisive Strike
18. Dyla Oveta
19. Ourah!
20. Yukon Base Part 1
21. Yukon Base Part 2
23. Upgrade
25. Kaito no Tame
26. Mirai no Owari
27. Mirai no Owari - Perseverance
28. Hope (Piano Orchestra)
29. Hope (Piano solo)
30. Comatose
31. Electronic Warfare
32. Yamato Cannon
33. Second Wind
34. MK2
36. MiraiAndYuliana
37. MiraiAndYuliana (Strings Only)
38. Against All Odds
39. United By Hope (Short)
40. United By Hope (5min - In Game)
41. United By Hope [5 min]