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1楼2010-02-27 21:02回复
    Vamos Chile

    2楼2010-02-27 21:05

      4楼2010-02-27 21:31

        5楼2010-02-27 21:39


          6楼2010-02-27 21:45

            7楼2010-02-27 21:52
              Fuerza chile

              14楼2010-03-02 17:38
                February 28th, 2010
                Fernando Gonzalez is on Mexico City, trying to return as soon as possible to Santiago de Chile. This is his messeage for chileans:
                Hello friends:
                I was watching TV and I found out about the earthquake. I’m so sad for the victims and families. I’m at Mexico City. This nght I’ll fly to Lima to try to get a new flight to Santiago.
                Thank God I could talk with my family after the earthquake. I watched TV all the time and I’m so sad with the news. It’s tough I can’t be in Chile. I’m praying. I would like to help with the reconstruction of my country.
                I hope to see them again as soon as possible.
                A big hug for everyone and ¡Fuerza Chile!

                16楼2010-03-08 22:45
                  In Chile Again
                  March 2nd, 2010
                  Hi Friends:
                  I could arrive at Santiago at noon. The trip was a Odisey. I arrived to Lima and took first flight to Tacna. Taxi to Arica, in Chile, and a Van to Iquique’s airport. Lucho Horna helps me with information. At Iquique I could take a flight to Santiago at 4 am.
                  About Davis Cup, is tought to speak. It’s unconfortable to play when people have problems. Last three nights I couldn’t sleep and always remembered the TV images of destruction at south of Chile. But it’s tought to change a Davis Cup. No dates avaliable. If we can win against Israel, we can give a little happyness to our people.
                  Thanks for all. It’s time to help our brothers in south. We can wake up our country.

                  17楼2010-03-08 22:53
                    Support event in Coquimbo
                    March 4th, 2010
                    Fernando González will assist to an event this thursday at 9pm to help the victms of the earthquake of Chile at Coquimbo’s gym.
                    Hi friends:
                    I’d like to invite you tonight at 9pm to an event at Coquimbo’s gym. It’s necesary to bring non-perecible food that will go to the south of Chile. The show will have many artists, including Daniela Castillo, and I will be there too. I hope we see eachother there and keep helping.

                    18楼2010-03-08 22:54
                      Gonzo volunteer and second turn in Davis Cup
                      March 5th, 2010
                      Fernando Gonzalez has done a constant work to support victims of chilean earthquake. On thursday he was at the volunteer center that was built in La Serena.
                      Then (as he describes in his twitter @fergonchile) he had a Davis Cup practice and in the evening he assisted to a benefic event at Coquimbo’s indoor gym with the presentation of national artists.
                      “I came to see all the volunteers that are working day and night, admirable people, I know there are a lot of volunteers all over Chile and this makes you feel proud of our people and everbody that want’s to help”.
                      He also explained his decision of not playing at Indian Wells. “I’ll stay here where people need me to give them a little bit of hope and support with benefic acts”.
                      “It’s necesary that people cooperate with this cause, nobody is free of something like this. We need, water, oil, sugar, non-perecible food and everything that can help”.
                      DAVIS CUP
                      The three-times olympic medalist will play in the second match of this saturday, when Chile and Israel begin to play the World Group first round. His match will be against israel’s No. 2 Harel Levy (118º). The first rubber will be between Nicolas Massu (92º) and Dudi Sela (66º).

                      19楼2010-03-08 22:55
                        20楼2010-03-08 22:55