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帝国4 废弃科技


支架拒马 Braced Palings
长弓兵的拒马伤害 +%1%%%,其冷却时间减少 %1%%%。
Increase the damage of Longbowman Palings by +%1%%% and reduce its cooldown by %1%%%.
百年紫杉木弓 Aged Yew Bows
使用拉力更强的木材,使长弓兵护甲穿刺能力 +%1%。
Improves the armor penetration of Longbowmen by +%1% through the use of higher draw weight wood.
长弓精通 Longbow Mastery
长弓兵伤害 +%1%%%。
Increase the damage of Longbowmen by +%1%%%.
骆驼骑兵攻击力 Mamuluke Damage
骆驼安抚 Camel Steadying
Camel Archers can fire on the move.
效率训练 Efficiency Training
解锁朝廷命官的监督能力。生产速度加快 200%,资源存放建筑获得的资源量增加 20%。
Unlocks the Supervise ability for Imperial Officials. Increases production speed by 200% and resources gained at drop off buildings by 20%.
尚武精神 Warrior Code
武士每第 4 次攻击就会造成一次范围伤害。
Men-at-arms deal area damage every 4th attack.
火枪手兵团 Musketeer Regiment
火枪手的成本降低 %1%%%。
Reduce the cost of Musketeers by %1%%%.
精准射击军 Streltsy Precision
神圣庇护 Divine Protection
僧侣战士的近战和远程护甲 +%1%。
Increase the melee and ranged armor of Warrior Monks by +%1%.
忍耐仪式 Enduring Ritual
旅行学者 Traveling Scholar
平价学者 Cheap Scholars
生产学者的黄金成本减少 %1%。
Scholars cost %1% less Gold.
绵羊饲养 Sheep Breeding
Pastures produce sheep faster.
哥特式板甲 Gothic Plate
武士的护甲 +%1%。
Increases Man-at-Arms armor by +%1%.
皇家法令 Royal Edict
圣物放在修道院时会额外产生 %1%%% 黄金。
Relics placed in Monasteries generate %1%%% more Gold.
探子 Spotters
哨站和箭塔视野 +25%。
Outposts and Towers gain a +25% line of sight Increase.
步兵护盾 Infantry Shields

IP属地:广东1楼2021-11-24 23:42回复
    腰带钩 Belt Hooks
    鼓风炉 Blast Furnaces
    锥状箭头 Bodkin Points
    锁链射击 Chain Shot
    Upgrade Warship cannons to fire chain shot, which briefly slows enemy targets.
    骑行劫掠 Chevauchée
    修鞋匠 Cobbler
    粒状火药 Corned Gunpowder
    远程单位的伤害提升 %1%%%。
    Increases damage of ranged units by %1%%%.

    IP属地:广东2楼2021-11-24 23:43
      齿轮弩 Crannequins
      弩手装填速度提升 %1%%%。
      Increase the reload speed of Crossbowmen by %1%%%.
      双宽斧 Double Broadax
      村民的木材采集速率提升 %1%%%。
      Increase Villagers' gathering rate for Wood by %1%%%.
      防火盔甲 Doused Armor
      所有运输工具的火焰护甲 +%1%。
      Add +%1% fire armor to all transports.
      精锐长矛战术 Elite Spear Tactics
      长矛兵的攻击速度 +%2%%%,并在布防抵挡骑兵冲锋时可对其造成 %1% 额外伤害。
      Spearmen gain +%2%%% attack speed. They also deal %1% more damage when braced against a cavalry charge.
      狂热 Zealous
      配重式巨型投石机 Counterweight Trebuchet
      Upgrade Trebuchets to Counterweight Trebuchets.
      树木补植 Tree Replanting
      农村 Farming Village
      燃烧与攻城护甲 Fire & Siege Armor
      建筑在对抗攻城及燃烧伤害时护甲增加 %1%%%
      Increase building's armor by %1%%% against siege and fire damage

      IP属地:广东3楼2021-11-24 23:43
        锻造 Forging
        护林人训练 Forester Training
        蚕丝弓弦 Silk Bowstrings
        步弓手的攻击范围 +%1% 格。
        Archers gain +%1% tile attack range.
        环柄长矛 Grapered Lances
        长矛骑兵的冲锋伤害 +%1%。
        Increase Lancer's charge damage by +%1%.
        手推车 Hand Carts
        火枪 Handcannon
        强化磨坊 Improved Mill
        强化伐木场 Improved Lumber Camp
        强化采矿场 Improved Mining Camp

        IP属地:广东4楼2021-11-24 23:43
          燃烧武器 Incendiary weapons
          Incendiary weapons allow for ranged attacks on structures
          铸铁 Iron Casting
          钢制马甲 Steel Barding
          所有骑兵的近战护甲 +%1%。
          Increase the melee armor of all cavalry by +%1%.
          镰刀 Scythe
          跟踪术 Tracking
          皮革箭袋 Leather Quivers
          采挖 Mining Picks
          淬火钢材 Quenched Steel
          大型箭塔生产 Keep Production
          Keeps can produce infantry, cavalry, and siege engines.

          IP属地:广东5楼2021-11-24 23:44
            高级运输工具建造 Superior Transport Construction
            运输工具建造时间减少 %1%%%。
            Reduce the construction time of transports by %1%%%.
            钢制顶部 Steel Bores
            钻井采挖术 Shaft Mining
            修理站 Repair Station

            IP属地:广东6楼2021-11-24 23:44

              IP属地:广东7楼2021-11-24 23:48