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fh2法国战役1940更新: OLD NEWS


Posted by: Eat Uranium17.04.2022 18:00 GMT
Hello and welcome back to another Forgotten Hope 2update.
Today we are showing off a couple of variants of German vehicles that you will already be familiar with downgraded to fit the May 1940 timeframe.

IP属地:广东本楼含有高级字体1楼2022-04-18 18:40回复
    The E series of the BF 109 fighter was primarily an improvement in engine power over the preceding series. The Daimler-Benz DB601A increased the power available by an additional 50%, but it required a redesign of the airframe to move the radiators from the front to the underside of the wing roots.

    IP属地:广东2楼2022-04-18 18:41
      The E-4 variant of spring 1940 was the first to be armed with the new MG FF/M 20mm cannon that was designed to use the new Minengeschoß ammunition. This new projectile made use of the same drawing production process used for cartridge cases to make strong thin walls, and thus could carry triple the explosive filling compared to the rather pathetic standard HE shell.

      IP属地:广东3楼2022-04-18 18:41
        The principle difference between the E-4 and our current E-7 is the lack of mounting and plumbing to use an external tank. This meant that the E-4 and its older cousins had only limited endurance, and was the type's biggest weakness in the Invasion of France and especially the following Battle of Britain. Our E-4 was modified from AceS, Toddel and Rad's E-7 by Matt Baker, Stubbfan and Kraetzer.

        IP属地:广东本楼含有高级字体4楼2022-04-18 18:43

          IP属地:广东5楼2022-04-18 18:44
            The SdKfz 251 armoured halftrack is not a new vehicle to FH2, present already in the Ausführungs C and D. The earlier Ausf. B is not fundamentally much different from the later C, sharing the same basic construction methods and parts. The most obvious difference is the two part frontal armour plate, which was later simplified to ease manufacture.

            IP属地:广东6楼2022-04-18 18:44
              The SdKfz 251 was not a common vehicle in France, with only a handful of the panzer divisions being partially equipped. Ours was modified by Matt Baker from K96's original Ausf. C.

              IP属地:广东本楼含有高级字体7楼2022-04-18 18:45

                Messerschmitt BF 109E-4
                Class: Fighter
                Speed: 535 km/h
                2 x MG FF
                2 x MG 17

                IP属地:广东本楼含有高级字体8楼2022-04-18 18:48

                  SdKfz 251/1 Ausf. B "Hanomag"
                  Class: APC
                  Speed: 52 km/h
                  2 x 7.92mm MG34

                  IP属地:广东本楼含有高级字体9楼2022-04-18 18:50